The short answer to this question is ‘yes’ - asset tracking devices are used by many businesses and organisations to manage maintenance schedules, help reduce repair bills and maximise efficient output from individual assets.
Why is it important to track engine hours and mileage? Apart from anything else, it is good practice to track and measure so you can prevent overuse and work out when to schedule routine maintenance. In many industries, however, this type of measurement is a legal requirement for health and safety.
Many businesses have to record this information manually, whereas with a TRAAKIT asset tracking device this information is done for you.
Access to detailed usage data reduces the risk of component faults and breakdowns – leading to expensive repairs – and also lets you stagger your maintenance schedule to minimise asset downtime in the field.
Asset tracking systems can help to reduce and keep your running costs low with GPS data that enables you to understand how the equipment performs overall. This reveals potential problems at an early stage and can cut running costs over the long term.
Our TRAAKIT TD3 wired device, for instance, comes with the following important features:
Today it's much more than engine hours and mileage that can be tracked with the most sophisticated tracking systems. Download our Guide To GPS Asset Tracking for more free information.